woman crossing fingers

What's Luck Got To Do With It?

April 05, 20224 min read

We’ve become accustomed as a society to throw around the word “luck” whenever someone succeeds in life, as if they didn’t put in any hard work, dedication, commitment or resilience into their efforts. - Amy Gerhartz

Luck of the Irish… luck of the draw… luck of the dice. We’ve all heard these sayings before, and like an overplayed Maybelline commercial, we’ve come to believe that some people are just born with it, am I right? We’ve constructed this illusion in our minds that a select few are more inherently “lucky” than the rest of us, and that everything they touch turns into gold. Then we watch them continue on to more greatness, while we struggle to barely get ourselves off the ground. So what gives? What’s luck really got to do with it anyway? Here’s the real truth: Absolutely nothing. 

We’ve become accustomed as a society to throw around the word “luck” whenever someone succeeds in life, as if they didn’t put in any hard work, dedication, commitment or resilience into their efforts. We then begin to think of luck as the missing link between us and our dreams, when in reality, we already have everything we need to succeed, we just haven’t learned how to access and use it correctly.

Now, it’s not that I don’t believe that there are some random occurrences happening in the world that are luck based, it’s just that those circumstances are incredibly rare. I hate to break it to you, but If you are someone who’s been spending your life waiting for your luck to kick in, you’re going to be waiting a really long time.

8 Reasons

So below I’ve put together 3 tips on ways that you can create your own luck, so that you can finally live the life you really want!

Tip #1: Set your intention

You cannot reach your goals if you don’t put out a clear intention of what they are, and what you really want to achieve. How many times have you passively said “maybe that would be nice” or “someday I’ll have this or that”? By not being clear about your desires, you’re sending out MIXED SIGNALS to God, The Universe, Allah, Buddha, Mother Nature or whatever it is that you believe in. Imagine if you went to an ice cream shop and the person working there asked you what flavor you wanted, and you replied with “Well… maybe I’ll try the chocolate… or the vanilla… or the strawberry.” It’s a little bit annoying, right? If you can’t make up your mind in an ice cream shop, how in the world are you going to make up your mind with creating your amazing life?! This is where you get to practice being very clear on what you want, and then actually asking for it. Spend about 5 minutes every morning setting your intention for the life you want to have, and what you’re going to do to get there.

Tip #2: Get to work

Do you remember the book The Secret? Well I’d like to point out one fundamental flaw that was missing from that book: YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK! I am all for the power of manifestation, and setting your intention as I mentioned above, but you actually have to take tangible action steps to create the results you want to have. No one has ever generated a million dollars into their bank account, lost 50 lbs, raised great children, or had an excellent marriage without doing any work whatsoever. If you want something, you get to work for it. Want to know the great part? The work you do every day doesn’t have to be massively life changing. You just need to take small, simple, daily action towards wherever you want to be. Then, all of your compound effort over time will add up to a big result.

Tip #3: Claim what's already yours

After you set an intention for what you want to achieve, and begin to work towards it, then you get to practice living as if it’s already happened. Start waking up every day really believing that the results you want are already coming to you. By living as if things are already destined to be yours, you immediately release any stress or tension associated with the work you are doing to get those things. You are also able to remove any self-doubt or fears in the process as well. Curious about how to do this? Book a discovery call with me for more in-depth coaching!

In the meantime, don't forget that when it comes down to it, luck is what you create it to be. You are in control of yourself and the results that you are generating in your life.

Remember, you are one of a kind and absolutely worth it!


Founder & CEO of A Higher Way Of Living; Host of the RISE UP Buttercup Podcast and The Entertainer Mindset Podcast

Amy Gerhartz

Founder & CEO of A Higher Way Of Living; Host of the RISE UP Buttercup Podcast and The Entertainer Mindset Podcast

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